
制霸擂台梦 第一季




《制霸擂台梦 第一季》故事大意

制霸擂台梦 第一季》是一部于2023在地区上映的电视剧,截至2024-05-10在云播在线观看49次。《制霸擂台梦 第一季》情节简介:The Ohio Valley Wrestling Club in Louisville, Kentucky is a regional wrestling club with alumni including Brock Lesnar, The Miz, John Senna, Dave Botista, and Randy Orton. The gym used to be a prestigious graduation school for aspiring professional wrestlers, but since then, it has been in trouble. Famous wrestler Al Snow adheres to the old-fashioned wrestling philosophy and places great emphasis on storytelling, but despite the love of some hardcore fans, the gym strives to maintain relevance every week to keep the door open. The financial situation has become so bad that Al had to sell his majority stake to a group of local businessmen, including Kentucky's most popular radio celebrity, Matt Jones. Matt and the new ownership group injected much-needed cash into the struggling gym, but it is still operating at a staggering loss. The new owner gave Al a summer to turn things around. The wrestlers recorded the efforts of Al and his group of aspiring wrestlers as they fought for their personal aspirations and each other, while attempting to unite and save this historic gym.喜欢在线观看运动片的影迷们?安利网址 www.gbackup.cn 畅享《制霸擂台梦 第一季》完整高清无剪辑导演限定版免费网站在线看,更有近期热播电视剧到每日推荐,精彩的运动类电视剧天天更新,看片就上云播开启畅爽观影之旅!

